たべるとくらしの研究所 - Eat and Life Laboratory
たべるとくらしの研究所は、安斎伸也さん(理事長)と明子さん(副理事長)が主宰する研究組織。その名の通り、食べると暮らすについて研究しています。一見飲食店に見える彼らの活動ですが、それは、彼らにとっては研究発表の方法のひとつに過ぎません。どこに住み、何を食べ、何をして遊ぶか? お金はどれくらい必要か? 自然から何を受け取り、何を返すのか? などについて、自分たちの生活を実験台として研究しています。
Eat and Life laboratory is a research organization led by Shinya Anzai (President) and Akiko (Vice President). As the name suggests, they are deep diving into the different approaches for eating and living styles. Their activities may look like a restaurant at first glance, but for them it is just one of the ways they conduct their research. They experiment with their own lives basically as a laboratory petri dish on topics such as fundamental questions such as where do they live, what do they eat, what do they do for fun, how much money do they need, what do we receive from nature and what should we give back.
Mr.Shinya Anzai is the third-generation owner of Anzai Orchard, which produces peaches, pears, and apples in Fukushima Prefecture. Ms.Akiko made baked goods and harvested jam from their orchard.In 2011, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, they resetted in Hokkaido with their children where they had to rethink what they valued most in life and earn an income in the new land at the same time, this is when they started the Eat and Life laboratory.
「畑から食卓へ」。たべるとくらしの研究所の畑で伸也さんが育てる野菜や、近隣農家が育てた無農薬栽培の旬の野菜を使って、化学調味料を使わずに調理された庭プレート。私たちは月に一度明子さんの料理を食べることで体の調子を整えています。ぜひ一度味わってみてください。雪が降る北海道では冬に野菜は採れないでしょう? そうなんです、春から秋にかけては採れたての野菜がもりもりとプレートを彩り、冬になると夏から秋にかけて加工した保存食が並びます。
From Field to Table, garden plates are made of seasonal pesticide-free vegetables grown by Shinya in the fields of Eat and Life laboratory and neighboring farmers. In Hokkaido where it snows, you can't pick vegetables in winter. That's why they make plates of freshly harvested vegetables while in winter, offer preserved foods processed from previous harvest seasons.
Food and Life Research Letter
CD : 3KG
D : 3KG
Every fall, they publish the Food and Life Research newsletter and a subscription to preserved foods such as jams and seasonings. 3KG is in charge of designing the letter that is enclosed with the various bottled products. There is a lot of great content and information detailed in every newsletter. It would be a shame to see only a small number of copies for subscription purchasers. You can find special back numbers of the publications on the bookshelf in the Niiiwa kitchen.