札幌市 - Sapporo City
新型コロナウイルスの流行で医師や看護師が大活躍しました。自然災害が起こると消防士や自衛官が私たちの命を救ってくれます。さて、グラフィックデザイナーは、どんな場面で社会に貢献できるのでしょう? 災害や事故が起きたあとでは、私たちにできることはほとんどありません。だから、私たちにとっては平常時に何をするかが大事。
Doctors and nurses played a major role in the outbreak of COVID-19. When natural disasters occur, firefighters and self-defense officers save our lives. What about graphic designers and In what situations can we contribute to society? There is little we can do after a disaster or accident so it is important what we do in normal times.
Our designs help people when spreading the charm of your city to the world, encouraging people to stock up in case of a disaster, or making children’s rights public. Our strength as a graphic designer is to help you to convey a message or enhance a mood by combining elements such as message, words, photographs, and illustrations. This ability is often useful in advertising to expand sales and also be helpful in solving social problems.
SAPP‿RO is the symbol of Sapporo we designed in 2011. It is widely recognized by everyone from children to the elderly, and has become so popular that no day goes by without seeing when you live in Sapporo. We hope it will continue to be loved for a long time because it might be a once in a lifetime chance to design the symbol mark of the city where we live.
SAPP‿RO Smile Logo
CL : Sapporo City
「I♡ NYを超えたい」という依頼を受けて「笑顔になれる街」をテーマに札幌市のシンボルマークをデザイン。札幌市民なら知らない人はいないくらい定着した、3KGの代表作のひとつです。顔文字のように誰でも使えることを目指しました。一歩間違えると 「札 \( º∀º )/♪ 幌」みたいなデザインになっていたかもしれません。
We created a symbol mark of Sapporo City under the theme of "The city makes you smile" when we were asked to make it go beyond "I♡ NY". It is one of 3KG's masterpieces that has become so popular that everyone living in Sapporo knows it. If we had made a mistake, the design might have looked like “Sapp \( º∀º )/♪ ro”
Sapporo City Paper Bag
CL : Sapporo City
Normally, paper bags produced by local governments compete for individuality and they are filled with photographs of tourist attractions or specialty products. Changing the perspective a bit, we proposed a non-photo design. Because inside the bag would be filled with pamphlets with photos of the red brick government building, the clock tower, or ramen noodles.
SOS Signal for Children
CL : Sapporo City
Children SOS is a volunteer activity to protect children when they are victims of "kidnapping, violence, or molestation" and call for help. It is also helpful to keep them safe throughout the community. We designed the sticker based on the mark of SAPP‿RO as a sign sticker.
Face Mask for Dining
CL : Sapporo City
D : 3KG
We’ve designed several things related to COVID-19, but nothing seemed to get a good response. This is one of those. It was so difficult to create a design giving people a heads-up effectively, quickly, and at low cost. We’ve never seen anyone using this mask. Could you see different results if we would propose an idea of drawing mustaches on the mask ?