旅する山子ポストカード セット - Yamako's Traveling Postcard Set

CL :
Nara Yoshitomo Hokkaido photo exhibition committee
CD : 3KG
D : 3KG

2021年のゴールデンウィークに、3KGのある庭ビルを含む、札幌と小樽の小さなお店13店舗で画家・奈良美智さんの写真展『Though no one may notice, the world knows all that you have seen.』を開催しました。その開催費用を賄うために作られたのが、オフィシャルグッズ『旅する山子ポストカードセット』。奈良美智さんが段ボールに描き上げた作品「山子」と共に北海道中を旅し、撮影した写真のポストカードセットです。パッケージを開くと山子の形になり、購入者も山子を持って旅をすることができます。その後、翻訳され台湾の展覧会でも販売されました。

During Golden Week 2021, we held a photo exhibition by Yoshitomo Nara, though not many people may have noticed the exhibition, the world knows what we all were going through. At the Niiiwa building where 3KG is located and the other 12 small stores in Sapporo and Otaru we created the official merchandise for the exhibition the ”Traveling Yamako postcard set” as one of the purposes of the merch was to raise funds for the exhibition. The images of the postcards were captured by Yoshitomo Nara during his journey in Hokkaido with “Yamako”, a lifesize cardboard cutout of himself. You can see “Yamako” when you open the package enabling you to travel with the photographer. Later, his works were translated and sold at an exhibition in Taiwan.




札幌市 - Sapporo City